$6.1M Investment in AI Platform Targets New Treatments

OccamzRazor has received $6.1 million in investments to support its artificial intelligence (AI)- based platform aimed at accelerating the identification of new therapeutic targets for Parkinson’s disease.

With the technology, which uses AI to analyze data from many published sources, novel treatment targets can be identified and initially validated in a matter of months, rather than years  — all at a lower cost, according to the company.

“I’m excited to see the progress OccamzRazor has made thus far on integrating many disparate sources of data and applying machine learning towards the discovery of new candidates for fighting degenerative brain diseases,”  Jeff Dean, PhD, lead investor and the lead of Google’s AI division, said in a press release

To continue reading more about our fundraising, click HERE to check out our write up in Parkinson’s News Today!